Friday, March 11, 2011

Growing up too fast...

...This little girl is getting way too big! She will be 3 in May and it really blows my mind! She thinks she is something else too...she can be very bossy and a little sassy! She wants to do EVERYTHING by herself and doesn't want any help. She laughs at herself and loves to sit quietly and color and sing and do puzzles! She is very much enjoying her baby dolls these days and her and brother are all about playing house! She's a busy-body and cannot be still long enough for me to snatch a quick hug or kiss! During story time, she must ask at least 30 questions...(this makes for a long story time.) Very thoughtful and inquisitive questions...and her response to them all is always, "Ooh!" She is precious and I absolutely adore her...I just wish time would slow down sometimes, just a little bit!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She Rocks!