Wednesday, August 18, 2010

School turns sour...

So I got in my car to pick up the kiddos from the first day of pre-school and JB's teacher called me and said she was running a fever...What a great first day experience for Janie Belle...Needless to say, when I got to school she looked pitiful and was a little hot cake to the touch...Now Braxton has fever too...He did have a Great first day however, he was so happy when I picked him up...I said, "I'm so glad you were so big today and had such a fun time." He said, "I'm so glad too, that's because I have Jesus in my heart." I just grinned and laughed...I am so thankful for his new teacher Shea Ford, she must have made a sweet impression on him...Pray for my kiddos that fevers will go away soon!!

1 comment:

Ford Family said...

I am so happy to have Mr. Braxton in my class, too!! I hope both of your precious kiddos feel better soon, we will miss yall tomorrow!!